In the latest installment of “The Data Center Expert Series,” accompany Craig Richardson, Data Center Sales Manager at Subzero Engineering, as he navigates through the dynamic landscape of the industry spanning the last 30+ years.
The engaging discussion covers:
- How Subzero Engineering delivers turnkey solutions for critical environments
- The journey of customer experience, from initial contact to project completion
- What sets Subzero Engineering apart from competitors
- A detailed exploration of Subzero’s diverse data center containment lines
Don’t miss this enlightening conversation with Craig Richardson!
At Subzero, we redefine industry standards with three pillars that set us apart: first and foremost, our unwavering commitment to quality ensures our products outlast the competition, with moving parts designed to be the best in the industry. Second, our relentless dedication to customer satisfaction means we never consider a job complete until our customers are 100% satisfied, showcasing our commitment to excellence. Finally, our sales team, led by individuals like myself, takes immense pride in providing unparalleled service, making ourselves readily available to ensure our customers receive the attention and support they deserve. This trifecta of quality, satisfaction, and personal commitment truly distinguishes Subzero from the rest.Craig Richardson, Data Center Sales Manager